Wednesday, July 7, 2010

B. B. Warfield

Quoted by John Piper in "Don't Waste Your Life", B. B. Warfield states:

"Now dear Christians, some of you pray night
and day to be branches of the true Vine; you
pray to be made all over in the image of Christ.
If so, you must be like him in giving . . . “though
he was rich, yet for our sakes he became poor” . . .
Objection 1. “My money is my own.” Answer:
Christ might have said, “My blood is my own, my
life is my own” . . . then where should we have
been? Objection 2. “The poor are undeserving.”
Answer: Christ might have said, “They are wicked
rebels . . . shall I lay down my life for these?
I will give to the good angels.” But no, he left the
ninety-nine, and came after the lost. He gave his
blood for the undeserving. Objection 3. “The poor
may abuse it.” Answer: Christ might have said
the same; yea, with far greater truth. Christ knew
that thousands would trample his blood under
their feet; that most would despise it; that many
would make it an excuse for sinning more; yet
he gave his own blood. Oh, my dear Christians!
If you would be like Christ, give much, give often,
give freely, to the vile and poor, the thankless and
the undeserving. Christ is glorious and happy and
so will you be. It is not your money I want, but your
happiness. Remember his own word, “It is more
blessed to give than to receive.”

Boom. Roasted.

Oh, I love Camp Joy.

Yesterday I had the privilege of showing Jared a place that's incredible close and dear to my heart- Camp Joy. For those of you who don't know, Camp Joy is a camp in Flat Rock, NC dedicated to serving mentally and some physically disabled adults while being centered around Christ and dying to self daily. Camp Joy consists of 3 1-week sessions each summer (I, unfortunately, only being able to work the third), and so Jared and I (along with my sister and friend, Liz) took a day trip to the mountains in order to experience the 2 week of Joy so far this summer.

Camp Joy is a seriously one of the happiest places on Earth. It could trump Disney World any day, no doubt about it. Camp Joy holds a huge place in my heart because it not only gets you as close to Heaven on Earth as possible, but you leave there, even after just spending a day, very affected and renewed. I was so glad to be able to share some Joy with Jared yesterday. Since it's such a big part of my life, I deemed it only necessary that another big part of my life be able to experience it, even for just a few hours.

I was rather sad when we had to say our goodbyes. Not only did I see campers whom I loved dearly, but I also was able to see many of the people that make Camp Joy what it is. (All of those behind the scenes, counselor types.) It was such a blessing to go visit for even just a day. It allowed a little brightness to enter my summer for 12 hours, and I'm super excited to be back up there for a whole week in 11 days.

P.S. The blog post after 6 days of Joy will be epic. Prepare yourselves.

Here's a picture of my good friend, David Clamp, from 3 years ago. David passed away around Christmastime unexpectedly after a fight with pneumonia. He usually attends session 2 of Camp Joy, and it was rather obvious, at least to me, that this sweet guy was missing. I know he would have loved to meet Jared and would have loved to sit and chat with him on the porch of Founders Hall about various business ideas or something of the sort.