Heartbreak is completely inevitable in life.
My heart broke the moment I realized that I had to give up the dream of a future together with my boyfriend of two and a half years for reasons completely out of my control.
My heart broke at my first sight of Africa and it's poverty, orphans and disease.
My heart breaks every time I walk into my internship and learn more about the neglect, abuse and brokenness in the lives of my five precious students.
And all of the above mentioned heartache has happened in a three month span of time.
It's inevitable.
The way people treat you while they you're hurting can either cause healing or more heartache.
Tiptoeing around me as though not to mention a painful occurrence only hurts worse sometimes.
Seeing me process through things and freely embracing me though my tears heals me little by little.
Knowing that I don't know what's at the end of this path I'm walking down; knowing that following Christ means painful occurrences; yet all while trusting my Guide makes every ounce of pain and hurt, and every tear just a part of the process of life that will ultimately achieve for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." -2 Corinthians 4:17