Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Seasons of love.... at 2:00AM.

Jared and I just returned (just returned, meaning two hours ago), from a spontaneous midnight run. I've never been one to run after dark, only because it's probably not the safest and the parents aren't huge fans of the idea. Today, it was the perfect ending to a lovely day.

Although Jared and I have been home together for a month and a half, our summers haven't nearly lived up to any of our expectations. We're to the point where we're both so excited to go back to school and get things started again. With work, family commitments and church, anytime that we do have free is spent watching LOST or playing a board game, both of which require little to no energy. Today was different, thankfully. Jared worked this morning, and I, surprisingly, had the evening off. We spent time in our favorite location, Rocky River Coffee, of course, made a 'mud pie' (a creative coffee ice cream pie-thing), had dinner with his absolutely fantastic family, looked up textbooks on, watched Invictus (a superb movie, by the way) and then went for our run.

I miss days like today. It reminded me of days from last summer... when things seemed so much easier and carefree. Today brought me back home and reminded me of everything that I love about Jared. It's been a while since I've been reminded of those things. So much so that it scared me to think that I was so looking forward to moving back to school because our relationship seemed better when we were apart. That's not how it's supposed to be at all. In reality, we just have a better time communicating when we're apart at school versus when we're both stuck in a rut at home. Yeah, it doesn't make sense to us either.

I'm learning a lot about that seasons of life, such as the ones written about in Ecclesiastes, this summer. There truly is a season for everything. This season hasn't been my favorite, but I've learned so much through it, which makes it all worth it, right? The season of love, though, has been rekindled and is back... it never left, actually. I hope it stays in this season of love for a long, long time.

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven." -Ecclesiastes 3:1

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Spontaneity at its finest.

We (Jared and I) began our adventure at 7:00 am on Friday, June 18, 2010.

We finally arrived at the BEACH at 11:30 am.

Sandcastles are a must.

And here is the final product. :)

Although we spent lots of hungry hours in the car, our spontaneous road trip to the beach was such a wonderful trip. It was a rather relaxing day. Taking a nap, reading, eating picnic food, taking a walk.... all on the NC coast, oh yeah, and with Jared. Perfect day.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Summertime, yet not so sweet.

Yes, I know. It's been quite the long time again. I've had absolutely no free time. I'm slowly and sadly learning that grown-up summers aren't as appealing as the younger years. (Yes, I realize I'm only 18, but things are definitely different.)

I'm working now. I absolutely LOVE my job. I'm working at Rocky River Coffee Company here in Harrisburg. It's the job I've been trying to get for the past year and a half, and it finally all worked out schedule-wise, and I thankfully have a job there. Having a job is fantastic, especially this one. Bringing in the money is definitely nothing to complain about. I love getting a pay check. Working though, takes all of my evenings away. I'm generally working from 4-10 or 6-10, which sucks away any little amount of time to hang out in the evenings. Hopefully I'll eventually become a professional barista and I'll be able to work other shifts, but for now, I close.

I'm babysitting lots. That's fantastic as well. I've been so blessed to know so many families throughout my church that I can always count on to be in need of a sitter, as well as have the most adorable and beautiful children (more on some of those cuties in a later post). These wonderful children keep me young (Again, I know, only 18 years old). They let me watch silly movies with them, go swimming with them, have water balloon fights, and ride scooters. Definitely some of the most fun I've had all summer.

I dropped my dearest and most beautiful sister off at church today for her departure up to Bonclarken in the mountains for church camp. Jealous and depressed doesn't even begin to describe my attitude as I drove away. This is my first of eight summers that I didn't begin my time off from school with a week in the best place in the world. Thankfully, I do get to spend an amazing week there in about 32 days for some CAMP JOY lovin'. But really, I've been home for a month and a half, and I still have over a month until I can get up there. No fun, I tell you. But alas, I am making the money here at home, so eventually, it will all even out.

Yes, yes. I know. Complain, complain, complain. I'm trying to work on that. I think my first step is finding contentment in the summer. Although this wasn't really my plan for my first summer of college (my plan included hundreds of roadtrips, a kickbutt tan, and lazy days by the pool), I am starting to realize that even though those days are over, and this is different, it's not bad. It's right where I'm supposed to be. It's God's plan. Duh, Jenna! So much better than your own.

There are some positives that have occurred so far. I'm home, which equals free food and a car. Beautiful things, I tell you. I'm also in the same town as my groovy boyfriend, and even though he's working, and I'm working, and of course our schedules are the complete and total opposite, he's still only 7 minutes away most of the time, even if we do have to hang out in the wee hours of the morning or after midnight. And that's a blessing in itself. He's so cool and I love being around him, even if only for 2 hours at ridiculous times of day. Oh yeah, and my sister. She's pretty amazing and I get to live in the same house with her for 3 months. Pretty. Stinkin'. Cool. And my family is awesome.

Yeah, that's my summer. I am, however, going to try and update this here blog more often. It helps me cope with getting old, you know.

Oh and thanks for reading ;)

"....I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."
--Philippians 4: 11-13