Day 01 - A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.

Despite the quality, this is one of my most favorite
pictures taken by my grandfather of my gorgeous baby
sister and I on my birthday last month :)
1. I am so blessed: an awesome schools, awesome Christian friends, an awesome family that supports me in every way, yeah. That pretty much sums it up.
2. God has given me a ridiculously huge passion and love for people with disabilities (specifically Down Syndrome). I not sure why he chose me of all people, but he did and I'm so thankful for the call that he has placed on my life.
3. I'm from a little town right next to Charlotte called Harrisburg. Although there's nothing to do when I'm there and sometimes I get the feeling that I'm 'trapped', I seriously love it and miss it when I don't live there.
4. I'm in love with carpet, like for real. I'll take carpeted flooring over hardwood in every single room of my future home any day.
5. I just started reading "Praise Habit" by David Crowder last night. Oooh baby.
6. I definitely want to be a mom one day. Originally, I wanted 5-6 kids. Now I'm down to 3. I guess you could say I'm becoming more 'realistic'.
7. I' m a Special Education major. I came into college with that major and I have every intention of graduating with that same major in a grand total of 4 years. I'm thankful to not have any doubts about that.
8. Fall is my most favorite season of all. I'm so glad that I'm beginning to see glimpses of it.
9. I have a wonderful boyfriend, Jared. He lives 1.5 hours away at NC State in Raleigh. Although I miss him like crrrazy, I'm content in knowing that God has big plans for each of us in our own separate places and I wouldn't have it any other way.
10. Lamentations 3:22-23 is my favorite.
11. I have one younger sister. She's seriously the best. She's everything I wish I could have been when I was a junior in high school. When I grow up, I want to be her.
12. I love having deep spiritual conversations about life and the Lord.
13. I think sunrises and sunsets are two of the most beautiful things. God is seriously the best artist.
14. I love to travel. I want to go all over the world throughout my life. Italy, Ireland, France, Brazil, the Ivory Coast, Kenya, just to name a few.
15. I'm obsessed with weddings. I already have my wedding planned. I may not know the date, but goodness, I'm already really excited about it.
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