Louie Giglio writes about humility in his book "I am not, but I know I AM". Although I'm a die hard John Piper fan, Louie definitely comes in as a close second. He explains humility like this:
"Humility is the instant resizing of me that occurs with just one eyeful of His majesty. True humility (not the false kind that ends up being about us at the end of the day) is not a sign of weakness, failure, or inability, but rather a sign that we are getting to know God and have glimpsed His glory. And once we see how glorious His glory really is, we realize that all other glory is futile and fading, and totally inconsequential in the grand scheme of things."
Just reading that, along with the rest of the chapter for that matter, humbles me really fast. In the grand scheme of eternity, I am so minuscule compared to the greatness and sovereignty of the Lord (and that is even an understatement). Whether I worship Him or not, it's not going to change His goodness and graciousness and holiness. He's still all of those things. He doesn't need me, but He wants me, and He desires to have a relationship with me in spite of it all.
C.S. Lewis sums it up when he says:
"A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell."
Yep. I'm learning. It's cool. It's a pretty incredible place to be.
Beautiful post. :)