Friday, September 17, 2010

Tag, I'm it!

The Frisky Virgin tagged me in her last note :) I could read her blog every single day for the rest of forever and be perfectly content. So here we go...

1. Do you believe in fate? Why or why not?
Well, fate is defined as "an event (or a course of events) that will inevitably happen in the future". I
believe that everything that is going to happen has already been pre-planned, while I do stil
believe in free will. We make the choice, but ultimately, our choice is already known. I suppose I answered that correctly?

2. If you could marry/date a supernatural being/superhero, who/what would it be and why?
I would totally marry the Incredible Hulk. I've always really liked him. He super huge and macho, yet he's totally got a sensitive side. If a guy can cry or some any type of vulnerable emotion, I'm sold for forever :)

3. Which one: Harry Potter or Twilight? Why?
Is it bad if I answer neither. I've honestly never really been into either. I've never read Harry Potter or Twilight, I have however seen 2 HP movies, while I've never seen any Twilight. I hope this doesn't make me a weirdo, I just don't tend to jump on bandwagons unless I really feel compelled :)

4. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
NIGHT OWL, for sure. I hate mornings. They are the most painful thing I've ever experienced. I could stay up until 3:00am and never once complain.

5. You have three wishes that will come true. What are they?
* To get through school in 4 years, flat. No more, no less. Actually, less would be nice, but seriously, no more.
*To never ever have to take a shower again, yet remain squeaky clean at all times. Seriously, showering is the biggest waste of time. You get in the shower, get all wet, and then have to work hard to become presentable again. Maybe it's just that I have ridiculously thick hair, requiring 30 minutes to dry, but showering is not my favorite for real.
*To lead worship somewhere. I seriously think that might be the coolest thing ever.

6. What is your favorite: a. Classic film; b. Romantic comedy film; c. Fantasy film; and d. Animated film
B- A Romantic comedy film is the way to my heart. The Proposal, He's Just Not That Into You, The Waitress, Confessions of a Shopaholic, The Ugly Truth, and Up In The Air are some of my favorites, just to name a few :) Oh goodness, it kind of makes me want to go watch a movie now.

7. What is your favorite kind of music?
I'm partial to Contemporary Christian Music. I love Audrey Assad, David Crowder, Jars of Clay, Chris Tomlin, things like that. I tend to stay away from any other type of music, only because music and lyrics and songs tend to have more of an effect on me than say, awful movies (see above).

Who's Next??!


  1. You are such a sweetheart! Thank you for you kind words about my blog; I feel the same about your blog--always makes me smile and think.

    Fate: You said it beautifully. I agree with you. I do believe our paths are predetermined in some way. I do tend to get annoyed with fate, but all-in-all, at the end of the day, I do think everything is sort-of planned out for us.

    I never even thought of the Incredible Hulk! Aww, he is sweet, though--big, burly, AND in touch with his emotions!

    Harry Potter is my pick over Twilight; you are not a weirdo in the least. My mom introduced me to Harry Potter, so it holds a very special place in my heart.

    I'm finding more and more night owls! Yay! I'm not alone! I LOVE staying up until the wee hours! I'm so not a morning person--not even funny, except perhaps the state of my hair. lol

    The shower wish had me laughing out loud. Sometimes I feel the same way--I like to let my hair air dry when I can; it just takes so long to dry. lol

    Love all the movies you that the one with Kerri Russell? I loved that movie; it brought me to tears. Beautiful film with a beautiful message.

    I love all music, including Christian music. It's so uplifting.

    Thank you for answering my silly questions. :)

  2. OK, I stopped reading at "night owl" because I have a serious problem. [Note time stamp.] Michael said this morning (and by "morning," I mean around 1 p.m.) "I'm going to be really mad at you if you stay up past 3:30 again." I'm in trouble. UGH!
